About Tom
My name is Tom Clarke and I write Christian non-fiction materials with a focus on the alluring splendor of the Bible. My current project started in 2016, a verse-by-verse documentation of the textual organizations that appear throughout the Bible. These organizations give evidence that the Holy Spirit used consistent methods in the Bible's inspiration. This new methodology is called Pattern Analysis.
God blessed me with a mathematical mind which led me into computer software development for most of my professional career. On a softer side, I enjoy flowers very much which led to an evening/weekend job as the developer and caretaker of a one-acre prayer garden at a church in Syracuse, New York. I was born into the family of Christ in 1989 at a Billy Graham Crusade.
In December of 2018, my wife Nancy passed away after years of limited mobility. She was a wonderful woman for me as we had been married twenty-one years. I have two adult daughters from a previous marriage, Laurel and Becky, and two wonderful grandchildren from each.
With the passing of my second wife, God is taking me on a journey that I don't always understand. In my grief and weakness, God helped me relocate to the Harrisburg area of Pennsylvania in 2019 where I can be close to my daughter Becky and her family. For me, it is a fresh start and a great opportunity to spread the word about loving our Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and loving one another. How can I love my Jesus even more? That is the passion of my heart, to somehow balance this analytical mind that God gave me with an intense passion for Him and others.

In an effort to get to know people in the Harrisburg area, I asked the Parks and Recreation director at a local park if I may coordinate and teach pickleball at their new courts. I was so pleased when he answered 'Yes'. In just a few months, a new and thriving population of avid pickleball players developed, a number of whom never heard of that sport a few months earlier. It seems that once we seniors retire, we can be looking for ways to actively fill our time in a positive way that also develops new friends.
So how is the Lord leading my new journey? In fulfillment of God's commands to love the Lord and one another, I sense a distinct calling for both pattern analysis and pickleball. That is, if some people become convinced that the Bible is the Word of God because of pattern analysis, my love for Him is demonstrated. My passion for Him will also be shown when others catch how pattern analysis can deliver more meaningful understandings from Bible verses. And if the softer aspects of pickleball such as love and respect for others can be infused into some area players, then the command to love one another is also being fulfilled. May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in all this.
You may email me at Tom@ThomasBClarke.com.